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How to Help Iowa Small Businesses
We are amazed at the creativity, adaptability and positivity that the Iowa small business community has displayed since having to make heavy-hearted decisions to temporarily close their doors or modify their business offerings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Small business owners are especially tenacious advocates for their employees, neighborhoods and communities. In normal times they make our lives easier by offering the products and services that make our lives ‘go’.
Here are some ways we can offer our support for Iowa small businesses right now:
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Purchase a Gift Card to Use Later
This might be the most stress-free form of sales for the small business owner in this climate. While many businesses are operating with modified services, that’s still an incredibly stressful process to shift to a different business model in the midst of a pandemic. A gift card purchase won’t require additional work on their part but will help meet the sales they need to keep cash flow going. Most importantly when business returns to normal, use your card as an opportunity to splurge on an extra bottle of wine or dessert or share it with a friend that’s never been to that business before, so that it’s not just replacing future sales.
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Demonstrate Grace
As mentioned above, many small businesses have shifted their services based on required closures and they are working like crazy to serve your needs in a way that will also support their business. Please do not expect ‘normal’ delivery times or perfection. Offer grace when you may receive something that’s not exactly what you’re used to.
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Recognize the Hard Decisions
The decisions being made by small business owners right now do not come lightly. Their livelihood and dreams are at stake making for incredibly hard decisions. Some of those decisions might even inconvenience you. Please refrain from public criticism and consider the anguish of their decision-making process.
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Reach Out
Maybe you aren’t in the position to order takeout or purchase a gift card, but you can send a friendly note. We encourage you to send a positive message to all your favorite small businesses via their email or social media. Same with your friends who are employees of small business. This is super hard on them too.
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Extend Your Expertise
Legal, insurance, financial, payroll, communications….in addition to making sales to keep afloat there is so much for small business owners to be concerned about right now. If you have some expertise in these areas and feel like you could offer some sound business advice, The Iowa Center would love to help connect you with small business owners tackling all these areas. Please email lacheson@theiowacenter.org for more information on how you can help.
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Iowa Small Businesses Open During COVID-19
To submit your business, send an email to info@theiowacenter.org listing how we can find you and products and services that you are currently offering during the pandemic.