Get Involved

​The Iowa Center is committed to expanding our reach. Please consider getting involved today by making a donation to our mission or sharing your time and expertise with our clients. Contribute to the growth of Iowa by contributing to the growth of The Iowa Center.


Volunteers with the Iowa Center for Economic Success are key players in our work of helping Iowans improve opportunities for financial success.

As an Iowa Center volunteer, you can use your unique professional experience and expertise to help others turn entrepreneurial dreams into plans. Rooted in connection and leadership, your service will expand your network and contribute to the vibrancy of our community.




Iowa Center internships are volunteer roles for college students or recent college graduates. Our interns work alongside our team on a wide variety of projects that help build transferable skills for future workplace opportunities and directly support our mission.  

Entrepreneurial Intern

Work directly with our Women’s Business Center program to help entrepreneurs start their business and support them in their entrepreneurial journey. You’ll get to help plan and prepare for educational programs and provide support for client business planning.  

Marketing Intern

Work with our team to execute our marketing plan. You’ll get to write and design promotional materials and create marketing campaigns for special projects and programs.

Microfinance Intern

Work directly with our Credit & Lending team in helping prepare clients for the commercial lending process. You’ll get to assist our loan officer in preparing loan packages and organize client data for reports.

Tax Intern

Work directly with our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and become an IRS Certified Tax Preparer who works with clients to help prepare their taxes. Learn how to do taxes and develop meaningful connections with clients.

Tax Assistance

Tax Preparer

Volunteer to prepare tax returns for people with low-to-moderate incomes, senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and those who speak limited English. We’ll provide specialized training to become IRS-certified and no prior experience is required.

Subject Matter Experts

Speakers and Trainers

Present an educational session on your area of expertise in one of our business planning, networking or special topics classes.


Work one-on-one on with an entrepreneurial client to help them be more accountable or get unstuck. You’ll get the rewarding opportunity to develop strong connections with clients and watch them progress with their dreams.

Developed by Pella Hosting.

Developed by Pella Hosting.