Katie Hentges
Katie spends most of her time at The Iowa Center focused on day-to-day operations. She’s responsible for ensuring our staff has what they need to make their programs and projects successful and continue to align with our mission and our strategic plan.
More About Katie
What I love to do: My family loves to travel. We love to see new parts of the world and learn about other places. It’s always fun seeing the world with those you love the most!
Why I work at The Iowa Center: I enjoy watching our clients come in our doors with a dream—but unsure of what to do, where to begin, or even how to begin—and watch them walk away from us with an executable plan to put turn their dreams into reality. Knowing we help create a path to success for our clients is what drives me to give all I can every day.
Ask me about: My boys. Being a boy mom has meant that I became a superhero aficionado, well versed in all things within the Marvel Universe, I wield a mean steering wheel with Mario Kart, and will challenge anyone to a hand of UNO or a round of Clue. I am an animal lover, we have two labs a chocolate lab named Jarvis (from Iron Man) and a white/yellow lab named Friday (also from Iron Man) and three cats!
I dream of a day when…: Professionally I dream of a day when every small business owner across the state of Iowa knows of The Iowa Center and uses one or all of our services to help build their businesses. Personally I dream of a day when everyone is treated with love, respect, and kindness…I know we can get there!
A few of my favorite small businesses: Sisters (Valley Junction), Wines of Iowa (Valley Junction), Jett and Monkey’s Dog Shoppe (East Village), Opa! and Mi Patria.