Small Business Tax

Prep + Planning

Changes to the tax code have made filing tax for small business increasingly more complex. In order to meet the demand of small business owners who need assistance with filing timely and complete taxes, The Iowa Center has partnered with Intuit to launch Small Business Tax Prep + Planning.

Small Business Tax Prep + Planning is a flat free service for small businesses to understand and fulfill their tax obligations. You will meet with our Small Business Tax Preparer in our office to get caught back up with your tax filings and set up a plan to prepare for future tax success.

Qualifying for

Small Business

Tax Prep + Planning

Your small business may be a good fit for Small Business Tax Prep + Planning programming if it falls into any of the below categories:

Total expenses (inventory, employees, contract labor …) over $35,000
Net losses
Payments made that require F 1099 to be filed
Expenses (health insurance*, rent or lease of equipment*, contract labor,     depletion, employee benefit programs, mortgage interest, pension and       profit sharing, wages)
          o Rentals or leases of equipment (including vehicles) for more than                30 days 
Accounting method is accrual, or anything other than Cash.
Cost of goods sold (inventory)
If the taxpayer has a business loss carried over from another tax year
Vehicle Expenses* (Using actual expense deductions, such as gas,               repairs, and depreciation)
Business use of home
Hobby income or not for profit activity
Professional gamblers
Any transactions involving digital assets
Taxpayers who do not materially participate in the business
Returns and allowances
Depreciation or when F 4562 is required
Casualty losses, amortization

Powered by partnership

Small Business Tax Prep + Planning is made possible through The Iowa Center’s partnership with Intuit.

Developed by Pella Hosting.

Developed by Pella Hosting.